The meeting with Leah Stoddard, the Gallery Director, went well. She liked what I had finished and was enthusiastic about what I was trying with the big stuff and the sculpture. We get along well and from experience in other places I know that that's a big plus.
The show will keep its original name "True Defenders of the Craft" - I'll write more about that title later. For the announcement she wants to do a foldable poster! We'll have that all figured out next week. I'll have a week to install and I'll get a key to the gallery so I can do it at night - I'll have some helpers too. In a couple weeks I'll bring some of the sculptures by the gallery to see how they hold up on the pedastals in the space.
My plan now is a week and a half of finalizing all the work that needs frames so
I can order them. Then more on the big monster and the little sculptures.
This is a post in series counting down to my solo show at Second Street Gallery. See previous posts: T minus 44 days, T minus 46 days, T minus 49 days, T minus 51 days, T minus 54 days,T minus 55 days,T minus 56 days, T minus 57 days.
W -
I really like the grid. Here are some thoughts...
1) It's hard to see in the picture (scale) but I might like to see the pieces in the grid hung more closely together. To the point where it at once feels like a single, chaotic piece but at another time feels very separate and distinct.
2) Based on the image it looks like you have way more drawings than collage. Have you thought about arranging the grid such that the collages or randomly spaced to activate the entire grid with color? Could be a subtle "win" for the show...
3) You know how I feel about the title. Maybe I'll use my ideas for a show one day!
4) The foldable poster sounds awesome. I hope you'll introduce me to Leah. She sounds great to work with!
Keep up the great work!!
"1) It's hard to see in the picture (scale) but I might like to see the pieces in the grid hung more closely together. To the point where it at once feels like a single, chaotic piece but at another time feels very separate and distinct.
2) Based on the image it looks like you have way more drawings than collage. Have you thought about arranging the grid such that the collages or randomly spaced to activate the entire grid with color? Could be a subtle "win" for the show..."
I agree - we figured out yesterday that I'm going to mix them all up - they look a lot better that way, and the grid will go around a corner, though that might change. I figure I'll be rearranging it up to the last minute!
3) You know how I feel about the title. Maybe I'll use my ideas for a show one day!
I'll do a post about the title soon and list all the possible ones that weren't used - though if you want to keep some let me know.
"4) The foldable poster sounds awesome. I hope you'll introduce me to Leah. She sounds great to work with!"
She is, and yes, the poster will be really fun. She might miss the opening because she's having a baby about 3 days before! Whether she makes it or not I'll intro you... She has a great eye and is open to all kinds of things.
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