Spent the weekend getting organized for the final month before the show. At this point there's a ton of non-art making work to be done - publicity stuff, framing, etc. I was worried about forgetting things that I needed to do so I took some time to write down everything I could think of and organizing it.
I've played around with a few designs for the poster - I got word form Leah that it's a go - and need to decide with her what we want to use. Luckily I have some Photoshop skillz and have a lot of work scanned in already. So far I have one version that's just a pencil drawing and two others that are digital conglomerations of drawings and collages.
I alos printed a bunch of books last week and this past weekend. I plan to have books at the gallery for sale and they take a while to make so I'm getting those together slowly.
As for actual art-making, I've been mostly fooling with the stuff that will be framed. Once I visit the gallery and make a few measurements this week I'll know how many frames to order, but since I have a large series of drawings that are the same size I can order frames before I'm totally set on what's in the show.
Up this week - a visit to the gallery to hammer out the poster, ordering frames and a lot of work on small drawings and collages.
This is a post in series counting down to my solo show True Defenders of the Craft at Second Street Gallery. See previous posts: T minus 35 days, T minus 37 days, T minus 38 days, T minus 43 days, T minus 44 days, T minus 46 days, T minus 49 days, T minus 51 days, T minus 54 days,T minus 55 days,T minus 56 days, T minus 57 days.
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