Well, it's all over - or rather all begun because the show is up all month. I'll recap the last 2 days because my posts were so short.
Thursday was the day of the Member's Preview from 6 - 8 pm. I had been up almost all night with a sick little Violet, so I started off tired. I also had a big day-job deadline breathing down my neck, though I craftily slid part of it off until Friday morning.
So Thursday I ran around like a manic - to the gallery to hang some more small works and do the cable TV interview. I needed to talk for 10 minutes but crapped out at 3, though we're going to try again later this week. Usually Leah prompts the artists with questions but she's out so I just stood there and was inarticulate.
Then back home to do more day-job toil, then framing like a madman, then at 4 back to the gallery for final hanging and lighting, then back home to bathe and dress and wolf down pizza, then flying back to the gallery leaving wife and Violet at home to join me later.
The Member's Preview had only a few people there, and they asked some weird questons, but it was good overall. I talked alot with the other artist showing Ju-Yeon Kim and we got along well. My artist talk was ok too (since I was warmed up with vino), I spoke about drawing and about a few specific pieces.
That night Violet was still kind of sick so I stayed up some with her. Friday she stayed home with me while I did more day-job when she napped. I ran a few errands and tried to hit the gallery but no one was there. My Dad showed up at 5, and I went to the gallery at 5:30 - people were already there.

The opening was great - lots of friends including many neighbors and JT of Thinking About Art fame drove down with TAA photographer Bren from DC. I gave my talk again and it went well but there were too many folks to fit in my back gallery so I spoke in the big room. There were 3 little problems - one of my sculpture kept falling over in its vitirine (images to come), many of my neighbors theough Ju-Yeon's work was mine (one even asked me if I had spent time in "the Orient"), and little Violet, being kind of ill, got upset halfway through and cried in the back room for an hour while wife and then Grandpa held her.

Overall it was a great opening with ton of people and a few who almost bought and said they'd return (we'll see). Afterwards the gallry took us out for dinner at a great French place - Wife didn't go because Violet was sick, but other pals came along and we ate like kings. When I went home I stayed up with V for a while then passed out.
So big thanks to Second Street Gallery, esp Leah, Allie and Alice; to all my pals who visited esp long driving JT and Bren; to all those who couldn't be here but sent well-wishes; and mostly to Violet and Annie for all their support and encouragement.
Though getting it together is done, I'll be sporadically posting about the show while it's up whenever something related to it happens. Despite all the hell getting it together, this is how I felt and how I feel:

This is a post in series counting down to my solo show True Defenders of the Craft at Second Street Gallery. See previous posts: T minus 0 days, T minus 1 day, T minus 2 days,T minus 3 days, T minus 4 days, T minus 7 days, T minus 8 days, T minus 9 days, T minus 10 days, T minus 11 days, T minus 14 days, T minus 15 days, T minus 16 days, T minus 17 days, T minus 18 days, T minus 21 days, T minus 23 days, T minus 25 days, T minus 28 days, T minus 29 days, T minus 30 days, T minus 32 days, T minus 35 days, T minus 37 days, T minus 38 days, T minus 43 days, T minus 44 days, T minus 46 days, T minus 49 days, T minus 51 days, T minus 54 days,T minus 55 days,T minus 56 days, T minus 57 days.
congrats! its a big deal, glad it went well, even though like always there was a bunch of hurdles to jump that had little to do with the artwork. (i find making it is always the easy part!) such is the life of a working artist in the new millenium...
congratulations! and violet is beautiful!
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