I've donated a drawing to this great Hurricane Katrina victims relief effort happening in NYC. The show features more than 50 artists work on sale for $100 with all proceeds going to relief efforts. The show, and the crazy fiesta opening on Friday Dec. 2, is at Halcyon, a great record store in DUMBO, Brooklyn.
You can see the drawing I donated (which is for sale!) here.

Adam Grossi, General Regions of the Creative Brain
part of The Anatomy of My Creative Brain project, 2005
Corrective Spectacles is an art event in Pittsburgh featuring Adam Grossi and Josh Tonies. The event is this Thursday, December 1st at 7pm at Attack Theatre Studios, 4805 Penn Avenue in Pittsburgh. I couldn't find an image of the show, the above is one of Grossi's paintings. He and I are having tandem solo shows at Reston's GRACE next fall (we're concocting collab trouble for that show). Here's the press blurb:
Corrective Spectacles is not a “short film” screening. We are not interested in imposing discrete boundaries onto our thoughts. For approximately one hour, the audience will be exposed to a barrage of sound and image experiments, presented in succession and intended to resonate as a grandiose composition. These video works will be linked, in both direct and scenic-route connections, by their fixation on the Spectacle. It is here, in the spaces that impress us and press themselves upon us, that we have set to work. We have dissected established spectacles and sculpted new spectacles where they did not previously exist. These spectacular corrections span the real and metaphorical world: literal corrections to lands and bodies (development and physical therapy) are sites of curiosity, along with psychosocial and metaphorical corrections (language and intuition).
Our tone is manifold. We are skeptical and motivational. Instructional and destructive. Mostly, we are simply attempting to be aware. We hope this introductory statement helps you decide how best to spend your Thursday evening.

Jesse Lambert, Rotater
Painter-pal Jesse Lambert is part of a group show in Brooklyn opening this Friday:
"Selected Drawings", Group Show at Klaus Von Nichtssagend Gallery. With
Joseph Hart, Patricia Iglesias, Jenny Ping, David Scanavino, Anna
Tanner, and Tyler Vlahovich. December 3, 2005 - January 15, 2006.
Hours: Saturday and Sunday, Noon-6PM
Opening Reception: December 2, 7-9PM
Klaus Von Nichtssagend Gallery, 438 Union Ave, Williamsburg, Brooklyn