Jefferson Estates #220 (my jaw), 7.125 x 9 in.
pen, bubblejet print and pencil on paper and foam
DC's Whitman-Walker Clinic is having a fundraising benefit this Friday, followed by an art auction. I've donated the collage seen here - I'll post a link once they put it up for auction. Here's the press release (I bolded the good stuff):
Community Members Rally Behind Whitman-Walker Clinic, Organize Art
Auction Benefit and Benefit Concert.
August 26- September 8, 2005, Washington, DC.
In response to the highly publicized funding problems of the
Whitman-Walker Clinic, Katy Otto and Basla Andolsun, both young
musicians and activists from the Washington DC punk community have
recruited the help of fellow musicians and artists to organize a
benefit concert and EBAY auction in an effort to raise money for the
Clinic. The Whitman-Walker Clinic was chartered in 1978 and has grown
to become the largest provider of HIV/AIDS services in the Washington
DC area. The clinic has been forced to announce cutbacks including the
closure of the Clinic's Northern Virginia facilities due to flat
government funding and a decrease in private donations.
Activists Katy Otto, 27 and Basla Andolsun, 26 with the support of
local punk activist group Positive Force and the blessings of the
Whitman-Walker Clinic have organized a benefit concert to be held at
Cafe Mawonaj, 624 T St. NW, Washington DC 20001 (accessible by Shaw/Howard University Green Line), on August 26th. The show will feature local bands Mass Movement of the Moth, Pash, and Son of Nun.
Doors open at 8:00, and have a $6 cover charge. Proceeds will go to
the Lesbian Services Program at the Whitman Walker Clinic.
The concert at Cafe Mawonaj will also be used to kick off an online art auction to be held over EBAY from August 26th through September 8th, with proceeds going to general services at the Whitman-Walker
Clinic. Organizers originally envisioned an auction that featured the
work of artists from the DC punk community, however when the call for
submissions circulated throughout the DC arts community it quickly became clear that many more artists, from a broad spectrum in DC and
beyond, were eager to get involved. "Organizing this benefit has
really demonstrated to me how deeply the work of the Whitman-Walker
Clinic resonates with people," says Andolsun. "The response we've
gotten has been overwhelming."
This collage really looks great. It's one of my favorites that I've seen yet. Good work! I hope it sells for big bucks!
Thanks man. I'll post a link to the auction page once it's up.
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