
sbook 19

This post is part of a series documenting my current sketchbook.
Earlier entries: sbook001, sbook002, sbook003, sbook004, sbook005, sbook006, sbook007, sbook008, sbook009, sbook010, sbook011, sbook012, sbook013, sbook014, sbook015, sbook016, sbook017, sbook018.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your award at radius250! It was nice to see your work up close.

Anonymous said...

Thanks! The whole show was really good, and I liked your piece....


Anonymous said...

Thank you.

I'll have some more at BozArt in August. Stop by and say hi on the 5th if you are around.

Bring the little one.

Anonymous said...

I'll try to make it over there...