
3 artists

Robert Dale Anderson, Second Chance, 2003, graphite on paper, 4.75x5.75"

Tonight, at Dallas' Conduit Gallery, Bob Anderson is having a show of drawings. He's a professor at UT Austin and a great drawer - go see if you can. (more here and here)

J.T. Kirkland, Plateau, Maple and Holes, 11.5" x 23", 2005

J.T, Kirkland of Thinking About Art has launched a website of his work - I helped him out with it. He's having a show right now, with an opening next Friday.

Frank Webster, Medusa, 22 x 30, digital print on paper

Frank Webster is a Brooklyn artist (and former roommate!) who recently did a artist-in-residence stint at VCU in Richmond. While there he did a series of incredible digital prints seen here. (and see older work here).

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